Fast free access to your accounts via the internet everyday 24/7
If you haven't made the choice of using NetTeller online banking.....you may be surprised how easy it is!
Service Features
- View your account balances
- View account activity which includes images of your checks
- Transfer funds between Bank of Ripley/Bank of Tipton accounts with the ability to make them recurring
- Pay bills to virtually anyone with Bill Payer
- Keep track of your account balance, transfer activity, bill payments and more via email alerts or messages
Service Benefits
- Easy access to your account information
- Optional Free Online Bill Payer on all checking accounts.
- Receive your statements and notices electronically with E-Statement Delivery. This is your option!
- Security – We protect your personal information using the latest encryption technology and a unique log-in authentication tool.
That way, you never have to worry while you're online with us. - Alerts – We automatically send you an email alert whenever your account information has been changed or the maximum number of login attempts has been reached. You can also sign-up for optional alerts, such as an alert that will let you know when you account balance goes over or below or certain amount.
- Personal Password Reset - Really convenient on nights and weekends! This allows you to reset your own password when you become locked out.
How to get started
- How do I enroll? To enroll, simply click here. Please read the Online Banking Disclosure and click the "I ACCEPT" button. Your application will be delivered promptly to us.
- How will I receive my access codes? Your codes will be mailed to you at the address we have on file.
- How do I apply for Bill Payer or E-Statement Delivery? You may choose to add Bill Payer and/or E-statement Delivery on the Online Banking application.